Every election cycle corporate money taking career politicians who have repeatedly failed to meet with their constituents win because they run unopposed.

Join the Green Party and challenge these complacent and apathetic politicians by installing people like you who represent the working American. Will you fight for the working people?

The Charlottesville Area Green Party is seeking candidates now for 2018 local and state elections. We will be holding campaign schools for Greens interested in running for office.

If you’re interested in running for office, please contact the Chair or Secretary.

Here Are The Five Steps To Get On The Ballot:


  1. Find the date your desired office is up for reelection. It is typically in November
  2. Find the filing window at
  3. Get a party nomination (see below)
  4. File for office by contacting theĀ Charlottesville City General Registrar, 120 7th ST NE, Charlottesville, VA, 22902, US
  5. Get signatures to appear on the ballot

The Seven Steps to Earn The Green Party Nomination:


  1. Become a Member
  2. Become a Local Party Officer
  3. Contact the Chair or Secretary and let them know you are interested in a nomination
  4. Attend the next Charlottesville Green Party Meeting where you will give your candidate speech
  5. Likely at the same meeting, you will stand before a review board where you will be asked basic vetting questions (arrests, general reputation, philosophy). They will then ask you to recite the 4 pillars, 10 key values, and the Green New Deal’s 4 part plan and how you will uphold them during your time in office
  6. If you pass our board you will then attend the next Virgina Green Party State Meeting where you will stand before their board and again be vetted and asked to recite the tenets
  7. All voting state members will then vote to nominate you

So now you are on the ballot and you have the party nomination, what next?

How to Run a Campaign:


  1. Attend local events
  2. Gather a group of volunteers and appoint one as your campaign manager
  3. Give speeches
  4. Host meet and greets
  5. Earn endorsements from political and environmental organizations
  6. Knock on doors
  7. Put up signs, hand out bumper stickers, and buttons


Most importantly, stay close to the Green Party,
we will help you every step of the way.